Monday, March 1, 2010

Underwater test:

I think that the crew members were unfriendly and very distant toward Jimmy because they wanted to assess him. They were trying to know if he was ready for this challenge which was the dive. If he could exceed the obstacles they gave him, it would prove that he really loved this job and he could bear any burden.
In my opinion, it was a good idea from the commander to order his staff to pretend like that; Because after all the difficulties that Jimmy found and after his feeling like an outsider, he behaved like a hero and he fought against all the complicated things. In the end however, he passed his test and the crew was satisfied with him and they were sure that they could depend on him.
So, Jimmy proved that he was able to handle a very big challenge. He could bear everything to accomplish his job in the best way.
I learned from this story that if you want something very much and you want to attain a goal, you can survive anything to achieve it.


  1. Lol... Oh Farah...
    y had a great lesson from this story...
    Congratulations smart girl.....
