Tuesday, April 6, 2010

My opinion about slavery and racism:

I have never known why some white people hate the black people, why they treat them by an humiliated way? We are all human and there is no difference between a black and white. We are all brothers and sisters. Slavery for me is something very rude. When we came to this earth we came with our freedom. However, in the past many people bought and sold black people, they manipulated their liberty to serve their own interests; things which are unfair.
In the story that we read today in Diane’s class, we can see that Mattew Henson was a skillful man. He had always the dream to live adventures, but because he was black, he had fewer opportunities to achieve his goal and his dream. The society in which he lived considered that this class of people was born just for working hard and for suffering; they hadn’t the right to dream they were just for serving white people. However, Henson managed to do well and he reached the North Pole….